You will get an unlimited access to a video showing the whole process from start to finish. You will also receive an E-Book that has over 100 pages and includes macaron shell recipe, step by step guide with the visuals, tips, tricks and more (see above photos to view 'Table of Contents' and what is actually included into my E-Book). Basic white, milk, dark and coloured & flavoured chocolate ganache as well as confiture recipes are also included. Additionally you will be able to choose another 3 ganache recipes of your choice. This is a self-learning course designed for independent study, with support available as needed within a 3-month period.
Those who will share their results, will also receive a digital certificate confirming they have completed my course (example shown below)
£200.00 (Price includes VAT)
Example of Certificate (digital)
that will be awarded to you after completing my Italian Meringue Macarons course and sharing your results.